What I’m Carrying Now: A Springfield .45 and a SIG 9mm

[This post is part of our series, What I’m Carrying Now. If you’d like to submit a photo and description of the gun, holster and gear you’re carrying in the new world in which we live, send it to us at thetruthaboutguns@gmail.com with WICN in the subject field.] A reader somewhere in Iowa writes . . . … Read more

Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: Are You REALLY Ready to Use a Knife?

Retired surfer J.S. Leonard  is an everydaycarry.com “guru.” I wonder if the SIG swami is ready, willing and able to use his Benchmade SOCP ComboEdge black dagger on a two-legged predator. Let’s face it . . . stabbing/slashing someone — or, say, a dog — requires a different mind- and skill set than shooting a … Read more

Gun Review: Sig Sauer P938


In recent years there has certainly been no shortage of sub-compact, “pocket-sized” 9mm pistols to choose from. Market demand has spoken, and manufacturers have answered with available products. However, if you’re a “cocked & locked,” hammer-fired kind of a gal (or guy) you’ve been almost completely overlooked. Thankfully, one of the only options out there happens to be a pretty good one — the Sig Sauer P938.

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Gun Review: SIG Sauer P938 Nightmare

One of the main benefits of living closerthanthis to the SIG SAUER Academy in Epping New Hampshire: the guys in the Pro Shop know me better than Daniela De Jesus Cosio knows Mexican food. Familiarity breeds contempt? Could be. I’ve been asking about the P938 pistol for months. And then it happened. While I was attending SIG’s Civilian Response to Terrorist Threats class one of the guys said they’d just received a shipment of ten P938s. I did the AMEX thing in reverse: I didn’t go home without it  . . .

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