Halloween Horror Stoppers: The Best Guns for Taking Out Hollywood’s Most Evil Villains

Halloween, that night of childish horror, is upon us like the whitetail rut and what better time to ponder the best defensive options against the season’s most terrifying villains than as the sun begins to set. Let’s be honest, if any of us were a character in the top horror movies, we wouldn’t hide in … Read more

TTAG Daily Digest: The SIG P320 Saga, Graduation Plates and The Pontification of the Lambs

Trigger warning CNN — yes, CNN — gives an excellent accounting of the SIG SAUER P320 drop safety debacle . . . Callaway initially told CNN he was satisfied with Sig Sauer’s responsiveness. “They conducted themselves well. I notified them of my demand they fix these weapons, and they complied within six months, which is … Read more