Gear Review: SilencerCo Threaded Barrel (SIG Sauer P226, 9mm)

SilencerCo’s threaded barrels have been around for about three and a half years now – approximately half as long as it took the company to bring them to market – and they’ve held their own, earning a rightful place as a standard aftermarket option and favorite among owners of SilencerCo silencers. With a newly-inked NFA … Read more

Gear Review: Lone Wolf Alpha Wolf Threaded Barrel for GLOCK 20 (10mm)

With big game hunting season in full swing, I’ve spent a good amount of time with the GLOCK 20C I’m accustomed to carrying when recreating outdoors. This pistol has sustained its fair share of modifications, yet every time I’d carry it my thoughts would drift to a quiet place. I had an itch to push … Read more

Hands-On With The SilencerCo Switchback 22, The Quietest Rimfire Suppressor Available

I didn’t really believe it either. A claimed 108 decibels with CCI Standard ammo? More reasonable than JJFU’s claims, that’s for freakin’ sure, but still hard to believe when dry firing a Ruger 77/22 is ~106.5 dB and simply loading a round into a Ruger 10/22 is nearly 105 dB. But SilencerCo proved it to … Read more

New From SilencerCo: The Switchback 22 – The Quietest Rimfire Suppressor Available

Just in time for SilencerCo‘s tenth anniversary, the company is releasing what it’s claiming is the quietest .22LR suppressor on the market, the Switchback 22. It’s a modular suppressor designed to be run in four different configurations on calibers all the way up to and including 5.7×28. SilencerCo’s press release follows, but stay tuned because … Read more

Silencer Review: Dead Air Odessa-9 Modular 9mm Pistol Suppressor

Sound suppression is a trade-off. For a given design, larger is quieter and smaller is louder. While being quieter has its advantages — after all, that’s why we pay a $200 tax and sometimes wait long enough to bring a new human into the world just to buy a silencer — so does being smaller. … Read more

Gear Review: Hold Ur Fire Pistol Storage and Transportation System

Perusing the photo-pandemic known as Instagram, my heart rate kicked up and my finger slid to an abrupt stop on an unlikely image. It wasn’t the latest innovation in arms – I was getting my first look at the Hold Ur Fire Kit – a slick system for organizing, storing, and transporting your smaller arms … Read more

Gear Review: CMMG DefCan 3Ti and DefCan 9 Suppressors

CMMG just announced its BANSHEE line of SBRs and pistols (300 BLK SBR review here) as well as its DefCan suppressors, and, thanks to Silencer Shop, we got our hands on much of the new equipment. With a DefCan 9, DefCan 3Ti, Q Half Nelson, Dead Air Sandman Ti, and two BANSHEEs, I hit the … Read more

Gear Review: Daniel Defense DD WAVE 3D Printed Suppressor

When we hear “3D printed” we usually think of flimsy plastic, but Daniel Defense‘s new DD WAVE suppressor is made via a process called direct metal laser sintering. A thin layer of powdered metal is deposited — in this case, primarily Inconel — then a powerful laser sinters (melts/welds) specific parts of it to the … Read more

Coming Soon From Thunder Beast: Hard-Use AR-15 Suppressor and Complete Upper

Thunder Beast Arms Corporation, TBAC, has made a name for itself in the precision rifle world by making lightweight, extremely quiet suppressors that maintain utmost accuracy. Generally speaking, they’re expensive and appeal to the PRS shooter, long range shooter, and hunter, but not the heavy use crowd. Soon, though, TBAC will be releasing a $495 … Read more

CZ-USA Monday Sneak Peek: Integrally Suppressed Rimfire (and more)

Using the hashtag #MondayMorningCZSneakPeek, CZ-USA has been showing off a 2018 new product release every Monday and will apparently continue to do so up to SHOT Show. Below, we catch you up on the last couple weeks (since the reflex suppressor announcement) and add this week’s integral CZ 455 rifles sneak peek to the mix. … Read more

How to Buy a Suppressor: Tag Along As Robert Buys His First One

Completing the paperwork for a suppressor purchase can have you running all around town for passport photos and fingerprinting. Then it’s off to a long, slow process filling out forms at your dealer. But not at Silencer Shop or a Powered by Silencer Shop dealer. Their process takes care of everything in-house and in right … Read more