Kimber Announces The 2K11

Right in time for the holidays and ahead of SHOT Show 2025, Kimber has announced its new 2K11, a double-stack 1911 available in both 9mm and .45 ACP. The new high-capacity single-action handgun will be available in standard and target configurations with a healthy set of features for enthusiasts and competitors alike.  Common Features The … Read more

Striker Fired vs. Hammer Fired Guns: What’s the Difference and is One Better?

There’s no firing a gun without denting a primer (if you aren’t sure what that means, start with how a gun works). There are two primary ways to do that: hammer fired and striker fired. So, what’s the difference, and is one better than the other? First and foremost, striker fired vs. hammer fired is … Read more

How it Works: Single-Action vs. Double-Action

Whether you’re new to the world of handguns or a seasoned veteran you might have some questions about the different hammer-fired guns on the market. Before we delve into that, let’s do a quick refresher on how hammer-fired guns work in general. Hammer-fired actions perform as the name suggests. When a hammer-fired semi-automatic gun is … Read more

The Argument Against DA/SA Pistols

By Russel Phagan I teach armed guard and CCW classes in Arizona. The students I teach have very diverse backgrounds. Some just bought a gun for the first time, some have done multiple deployments in the military, some were police officers for 30 years, some have been shooting their entire lives. The armed guard class … Read more

Gun Review: NAA Mini Revolver


In the world of production firearms, there aren’t many smaller than the offerings from North American Arms. Its Guardian series is about as petite as semi-automatic pistols come, and I believe its Mini-Revolvers may be the smallest production revolvers in the world. There really aren’t many clothing choices — at least ones you can legally get away with in public — that would prevent carrying a gun this small. As I’ve owned an NAA Mini in .22 LR for about 5 years now, I think it’s high time I officially reviewed it . . .

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