North Carolina Shootout Drives The Importance of “Head on a Swivel” Home

A recent tragedy in North Carolina shows us that no matter how prepared you think you may be for a situation, you can’t overcome the problem of action vs. reaction. But, if you are careful to not rely on too many assumptions and always keep an eye on your surroundings, your chances are far better. … Read more

What Would You Do When Your Walk in the Park Goes Bad?

QUESTION: You are walking home through the park near sunset. Suddenly, you are confronted with several very large young men who tell you to “give me your money and your phone!” You know a robbery when you see it. You draw your gun and tell them no. They flee into the park leaving you alone. … Read more

Worried About an Unexpected Knock at the Door? Don’t Open it With a Gun in Your Hand

In January, an Alabama man was shot and killed by sheriffs deputies who responded to the wrong address for a shots-fired domestic disturbance call. Prosecutors have just concluded their investigation and will not take further action in the tragic death. How did Ray King, 50, get killed? He answered the door late at night holding … Read more

We’re Living in a Different World Now – Let’s Talk About Situational Awareness

By Gideon Joubert Situational awareness is perhaps the single most important component of personal security. Yet it is also perhaps the fundamentally most misunderstood and malpracticed one. Thousands of people become crime victims every day because they aren’t situationally aware. They unplug themselves from their environment, and don’t pay attention to what’s going on around … Read more

Personal Defense Tip: Practice The Tueller Drill [VIDEO]

    In a town a little north of me, police shot and killed a woman who was armed with a knife and threatening people in a convenience store. In the aftermath, when interviewed by local TV stations, everyone there who talked to the reports expressed surprise. Two people said they didn’t see why the … Read more

On Situational Awareness and Dangerous Women

Making the decision to carry a concealed weapon is only the first step in a process which includes purchasing a handgun that’s appropriate for one’s personality and life, training, regular practice, and adapting one’s thinking to the habits necessary to safely carrying a handgun on a daily basis. Safety, however, does not consist primarily of … Read more

Personal Defense Tip: Develop Your Own Tactical Checklist

By Sal Navarro Being “tactical” is a way of life, not an ethereal concept or happenstance occurrence. And just for the record, it has nothing at all to do with wearing the right cargo pants or boots. Rather, it means having a plan well in advance of a dynamic, critical incident and putting that plan … Read more

Situational Awareness: Life in Condition White

  The condition color codes — levels of situational awareness — were conceived by Jeff Cooper decades ago. He opined that much of society perpetually spends their time in Condition White – essentially oblivious to the potential for threat. Some folks (particularly those who have martial arts, firearms, and/or other weapons background) are more likely … Read more

‘After the Bell Rings,’ a Safety and Situational Awareness Guide for Kids

  By John Petrolino Instructor and advocate Bill Dalpe did not intend to go down the road he did initially. Dalpe wanted to bring a social awareness program to a local school, and after getting stonewalled by an administrator, he realized he needed to take matters into his own hands. The educator, with decades of … Read more