How an Operator Taught Me to Shoot Skeet

While visiting recently with everyone’s favorite saddle burr, my good friend Male Concubine, he inquired into the current state of my shooting and what I might be working toward right now. I was honest with him that although I’m happy with the way my pistol skills have come up to par and am about to … Read more

Minerals Management Service: Meth, Porn, Guns & Graft

A newly released Interior Department report reveals that the federal agency responsible for all offshore oil and gas regulation failed to maintain its distance from the industry [supposedly] subject to its oversight. [Download report here.] In specific, regulators for the Department of the Interior’s Minerals Management Service (MMS) dined, partied, shot skeet, hunted, golfed, forwarded Web porn, snorted cocaine and smoked meth with oil and gas company employees. Here’s the smoking gun. Well, two actually. “The inspector later sent an e-mail to the Office of Inspector General admitting to participating in several skeet-shooting events, including the 2009 ‘Evangeline Tournament’. He said, however, that he paid his own entrance fee. He also admitted to winning two shotguns in drawings at two of the events between 2002 and 2005.” But wait, there’s more!

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