The Biofire Smart Gun: It’s Still Just a Prototype, But It Seems to Be a Promising One

In John Scalzi’s military science fiction series Old Man’s War, protagonist John Perry joins the mysterious Colonial Defense Forces, essentially a space force from Earth sent around the universe to fight aliens. It sounds ridiculous in almost every way, with elderly Earthlings receiving new, improved bodies, with the exception of a considerable amount of plausible … Read more

‘Smart Gun’ Fail: New LodeStar Works Not-So-Smart Pistol Couldn’t Fire Two Rounds Back-to-Back

Last week, we lambasted reports of a new “smart gun” that Reuters raved about in a glowing “exclusive.” Reuters reporter Daniel Trotta wrote that the third-generation prototype fired “without issue” during a live-fire demonstration for investors and the media. Now though, additional footage of the event has since surfaced that shows the LodeStar Works gun … Read more

Here We Go Again: Reuters Breathlessly Announces Another Revolutionary ‘Smart Gun’ That Will CHANGE EVERYTHING

The gun control industry coined the term “smart guns” many moons ago to describe what to date have been a series of flawed, unreliable firearms. Every few years since then, pretty much like clockwork, the mainstream media get all excited when another carnival barker comes along with a new prototype of a new gun that … Read more

SmartGunz Announces the $2500 9mm Sentry RFID ‘Smart’ Pistol

The mainstream media and gun-hating, leftist politicians (but I repeat myself) love to claim that “smart guns” would somehow stop all accidents and keep criminals from abusing firearms. In fact, some smart politicians have even mandated the sale of so-called smart guns. Now, a company called SmartGunz LLC has released a 1911-style 9mm handgun for … Read more

Kai Kloepfer on ‘Smart Guns’, Security, and Government Mandates

We’ve been following the work of Kai Kloepfer since Ron Conway and his Smart Tech Challenges Foundation first funded him with great fanfare back in 2014. Now that he has a working prototype in hand, Conway, with what seems to be characteristic understatement and restraint, has pronounced Kloepfer the “Mark Zuckerberg of guns” and someone who is … Read more

Smart Tech Challenge’s ‘Smart Gun’ Search Misses the Mark

“There’s a group from Silicon Valley that just gave a 17-year-old $50,000 to keep playing with guns. The Smart Tech Challenges Foundation, based in California’s tech capital, announced it is funding a young innovator from Colorado who is integrating a biometric sensor into a firearm that requires an authorized user’s fingerprint to discharge — and they claim … Read more