Why I’m Finally Retiring My Small Frame 5-Shot Revolver As Sole Carry Piece [GRAPHIC VIDEO]

I’ve been a fan of the five-shot compact revolver for years. They’re small, reliable and plenty potent. They don’t throw brass all over the place and they work great from a pocket or a purse, capable of creating a priceless look of surprise from a criminal predator trying to take the room temperature challenge. While … Read more

Deal Alert: Discounts on Smith & Wesson Concealed Carry Guns

A number of ultra-reliable and deservedly popular S&W carry pistols are generously discounted at the moment, which is uncommon. We highly recommend all of these for personal defense and have linked to our reviews below. The S&W 642, one of America’s favorite .38s, complete with Crimson Trace lasergrips, is on sale at Brownells for $420 (MSRP: … Read more

The SIG P365 Meets All Four Criteria for Pocket Pistol Perfection

By George Oliveira Pocket carry is a great alternative when belt-borne holsters aren’t an option. It can be very fast on the draw. Standing around with your hands casually in your pockets is and looks quite natural. Doing so allows you to have a full grip on your pocket pistol and the draw is lightening-quick … Read more

Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: Ported Revolver?

Mark’s pocket dump at everdaycarry.com features a Smith & Wesson 642 five-shot revolver. Good choice. Safe, reliable, pocketable, powerful. Yeah about that last bit . . . As Smith’s website informs us, the 642 fires .38 Special +P ammo in a gun that 14.4 ounces. Do the math. The pocket revolver generates more than a small … Read more