Original Wheel Gun Showdown: Smith & Wesson Model 686 vs Colt Python

Two classics going head to head. Yes, I know, the Colt Python and the Smith & Wesson Model 686 have been compared ad nauseam, especially since the Python was reborn. This is slightly different since both guns are originals; the Colt was made in 1978 and the S&W was made in 1988. I am not … Read more

What I’m Carrying Now: A Smith & Wesson 686 and a Buck 110 Auto

[This post is part of our new series, What I’m Carrying Now. If you’d like to submit a photo and description of the gun, holster and gear you’re carrying in the new world in which we live, send it to us at thetruthaboutguns@gmail.com with WICN in the subject field.] Don Nelson writes . . . Though not … Read more

Smith & Wesson Model 686 – Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

What does a Texas rancher carry when he’s out riding fences or doing whatever else it is ranchers that do on a daily basis? How about a Smith & Wesson Model 686? That’s Kevin Kreutzer’s choice along with another certified classic, a Buck 110 Folding Hunter pocket knife. Carried in a Galco Dual Action Outdoorsman holster … Read more

Smith & Wesson New Performance Center 1911 Pro Series and 686 Revolvers

Smith’s Performance Center pros have been busy little bees. They’ve just announced a few new guns that will have many of you (us) Smith weenies drooling. First up is a compact 1911, the PC 1911 3” 9mm Round Butt Scandium Frame. Just the thing for concealed carry. The Performance Center Pro Series SW1911 pistol offers consumers … Read more

Small Gun Good, Big Gun Better, BS Verboten

Earlier today, Ernie’s House of Whoop Ass! linked to TTAG. Young Master Ernest’s recommendation was as succinct as it was sarcastic: “how to not freak out in a gunfight. by a guy who has never been in one.” True dat. I have never been in a gunfight. And I hope to God I never will. Meanwhile, let it be known that I don’t just make shit up. In terms of psychology, I have a degree. I was a hypnotist for ten years. In terms of guns, I spend twelve hours a day learning about firearms from every possible angle. And I cheat. Not only do I consult (i.e. steal) from gun gurus, I base my ideas on common sense. And I test my theories. For example, the rant “Nothing is Better Than A Small Gun. Literally” . . .

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Why You Need a Revolver for Self-Defense

Jean Paul Sartre must have been fun at parties. But then who isn’t? I’ve been known to regale guests at swanky soirees with stories of home invasions, armed robberies, police shootings gone bad and concealed carry killers. During these ballistic BS sessions, I get a large number of “you’ve got pin lice on your eyebrows” looks. I’ve taken to calling my antagonists I-NOGs. “I would never own a gun,” they tell me, as if that settles the matter. For both them and me. Which is how Rhode Island got to be a “never-issue” states.  I digress . . .

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