XS Sights Offers Easy Install Night Sights for S&W and Ruger Revolvers

XS Sights has introduced new pre-drilled night sights for select Smith & Wesson (S&W) and Ruger revolvers, designed for easier self-installation without the need for a gunsmith. The new sights are available for S&W K-Frame, L-Frame, J-Frame, and Ruger SP101 revolvers. They feature a self-illuminating tritium vial surrounded by a photoluminescent Glow Dot, providing visibility … Read more

Is A Shotgun Your Best Option For Home Defense?

As a gun writer, I am constantly asked, by friends and family, what gun they should buy for home defense. Some are new to shooting, and they hear all sorts of things. Usually what has happened is that they were given “expert advice” by someone who may not be an expert and were told, “Just … Read more

Smith & Wesson Announces New M&P Carry Comp Series

Smith & Wesson is continually updating their line of pistols and rifles and the latest in that evolution is the new Performance Center M&P9 Carry Comp Series pistols. Check out the details on the latest S&W carry options below. The new Carry Comp pistols come in full-size, compact, and micro-compact packages. They’re chambered in 9mm … Read more

S&W Announces the .380 ACP Bodyguard 2.0

The engineers at Smith & Wesson have apparently been busy this year, as evidenced by their flurry of mid-year new product drops. The latest is the .380 ACP Bodyguard 2.0. The original Bodyguard was released back in 2010 and was similar in size and capacity to the Ruger LCP. The new Bodyguard 2.0 looks to … Read more

S&W Releases 2 More Pistols, the M&P 9 Shield Plus and SD40 2.0

Smith & Wesson is on a roll this summer with new releases. Hot on the heels of the new Carry Comp pistols are two more new product drops for EDC pistols. This time it’s the SD40 2.0 and the M&P 9 Shield Plus with threaded barrel. SD40 2.0 The SD series was Smith & Wesson’s … Read more

Obscure Object of Desire: The S&W I Frame Terrier

I’ve always liked snub nosed revolvers. There’s a certain mystique to them that goes back to old private eye and detective shows. Plus, they’re still a pretty compact carry gun, and remain popular even well into the 21st Century. I’ve owned a few over the years and the only one I’ve kept is my 3-inch … Read more

First Look: Smith & Wesson Goes Classic with Walnut on the Model 1854

When you think about lever-action rifles, the image of wood stocks and blued steel is probably what pops into your head. Typically, that is what you see when a new lever gun hits the market, and then companies may come out with other variations down the road. Well, when Smith & Wesson released the new … Read more

Colt Python vs. Smith & Wesson 686+

The Colt Python and the Smith & Wesson 686 are two mid-sized .357 Magnum revolvers that have competed with one another off and on for decades. While I have long been a fan of Smith & Wesson revolvers, Colt’s reintroduction of the Python in 2020 made me curious as to how the modern iterations of … Read more

Activist Shareholder Suit Against Smith & Wesson Lawsuit Dismissed

While most gun owners respect everyone’s First Amendment rights as much as their Second Amendment rights, let’s face it, it doesn’t always work the other way around. In fact, as we’re seeing on a lot of college campuses in the United States right now, activism is often the work of spoiled people with too much … Read more