Gun Review: Smith & Wesson CSX Hammer-Fired 9mm Micro Compact

Smith & Wesson’s new CSX fills a gap in the pocket pistol market, scratching that double-digit round count micro compact itch we all seem to have, but doing it with an external hammer. The CSX is a little old school and a lot new school, and TTAG took it to the range to see how … Read more

Shooting the Smith & Wesson CSX Hammer-Fired 9mm Micro Compact [VIDEO]

A quick trip to the range to put some more rounds through Smith & Wesson’s new CSX hammer-fired micro compact concealed carry piece. If you like the idea of these 10+1 round (or higher) teeny 9mms like the S&W Shield Plus, but prefer an external hammer, the CSX may be your huckleberry. Click HERE to … Read more

Smith & Wesson Announces Recall of New M&P12 Shotguns Made Before October 15, 2021

Smith & Wesson has announced a recall of all of their new hot-selling and very sought after M&P12 shotguns manufactured before October 15th, 2021. It seems that S&W has had reports of two of the guns that suffered cracked barrels. Out of an abundance of caution, the company has asked customers and dealers to send … Read more

Six-Shooting Diamonds In The Rough: Colt Police Positive and Smith & Wesson Model 10 Revolvers

As a collector, I usually walk by heavily used and abused guns, the ones that have been ridden hard and put away wet. But that isn’t the case all the time. A normal run-of-the-mill guns like a common GLOCK 17 Gen3 would have to be in expectational condition and at a great price to catch … Read more

Four Revolvers That Went To War

Colt and Smith & Wesson…two iconic American firearm manufacturers. These are the names that come to mind when it comes to classic Americana for pistols and revolvers. Their glory days, some would argue, were the first half of the 20th century, when they dominated the markets both stateside and across the globe. And like many … Read more

Smith & Wesson’s K-Frame .38 Special Masterpieces

The Smith & Wesson Model 14 Target Masterpiece and Model 15 Combat Masterpiece are by far some of Big Blue’s best old school blued steel K-Frame .38 Special goodness. These guns were from a bygone era, back when gasoline was leaded, television was the Big Three Networks, and spare ammo on a cop’s duty belt … Read more

The Guns of the Highway Patrol: A Three-Way Six-Incher Showdown:

There was once a time when your average Highway Patrolman anywhere in the U.S. carried a six shooter, but not just any six shooter. Oh no, they carried six-inch blasters chambered in the mythical cartridge known as the .357 Magnum. Yes boys and girls, there was once a time when the cops tasked with patrolling … Read more

Original Wheel Gun Showdown: Smith & Wesson Model 686 vs Colt Python

Two classics going head to head. Yes, I know, the Colt Python and the Smith & Wesson Model 686 have been compared ad nauseam, especially since the Python was reborn. This is slightly different since both guns are originals; the Colt was made in 1978 and the S&W was made in 1988. I am not … Read more

Massachusetts Tries to Drive Remaining Gun Makers Out of the State

By Larry Keane Out of curiosity, are there any governors out there who might be interested in bringing a historic manufacturing business to their state? It’s one that employs thousands and contributes to over $4.5 million in state and federal taxes for a $2.4 billion economic impact. Massachusetts lawmakers are thinking about shooting the gunmaker … Read more