Social Media Madness: Recover Tactical Loses Its Instagram Page

Recover Tactical makes aftermarket grip, brace and rail systems. You can see our reviews of some of their products here and here. On Friday, October 30, Recover became the latest victim of random, unexplained social media exile when they lost their Instagram page. Their Facebook page remains available…at least for now (Facebook owns Instagram). Our … Read more

It’s Time to Confront the Tyranny of Social Media Censorship

By Larry Keane It’s time the little blue birds of Twitter come home to roost. While we’re at it, clean out the henhouse of Facebook, Instagram, Google and the other plucky tech giants. The Trump administration is laying the groundwork to fence them all in for their blatant discrimination. It’s about time. Where’s the “hell-yes” … Read more

Swearer: TAPS Act Surveillance is the Best Way to Avoid More Gun Control Laws

The TAPS Act was a bill that was written last year following mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton. As the Firearms Policy Coalition describes it, the goal of the bill is to develop a national strategy for behavioral threat assessment techniques for state and local authorities. It would also “build databases of information on … Read more