Portlanders Dump Soft-On-Crime District Attorney

If recent happenings out in the liberal bastion of western Oregon are any indication, Americans are continuing to become more fed up with soft-on-crime prosecutors allowing crime to run rampant. Last week, voters in Portland voted Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt, a Soros-backed liberal, out of office, replacing him with challenger Nathan Vasquez. “It … Read more

SOROS CASH PAYS DIVIDENDS: Cook County Prosecutor Seeks ‘Resentencing Initiative’ Early Release For Violent Career Criminals

Imagine the handful of incarcerated criminals who might deserve an early release. Yes, there are those who probably pose a minimal risk to others in the community. Last year, the Democrat-run Illinois legislature and governor approved a new law to allow prosecutors to petition for re-sentencing inmates deemed to deserve an early release. With the … Read more

Psycho Killer Qu’est-ce que c’est: Video Shows New York City Serial Attacker Shooting Homeless Man

New York City has a major crime issue, caused in part by policies of the previous Mayor Bill DeBlasio and Soros-funded prosecutor Alvin Bragg. Now the Big Apple has suffered another bruise, this time caused by a psychotic murderer who ambushes the homeless by shooting them as they sleep. NYPD has released video of the … Read more

Chicago’s Political Elites Bicker While The Bodies Pile Higher

Chicago’s broken, revolving door criminal justice system has led to trouble in paradise between Chicago’s new mayor Lori Lightfoot and her mayoral campaign opponent, County Board Chairwoman Toni Preckwinkle. Meanwhile, as the two powerful women bicker among one another, the bodies continue to pile higher in the Windy City. John Kass, the well-known Chicago columnist, … Read more

Chicago Vigil for Gang-Banger Sees One Dead, One Critical, and One Shot in Butt

If it weren’t for generations of gun control imposed upon Chicago residents, they might more fully embrace the live-saving benefits of conventional, law-abiding firearm ownership.  Instead, among the good guys at least, there’s a paucity of gun ownership.  That lack of gun ownership allows the bad guys to intimidate, bully and ultimately, to victimize the … Read more