LA’s Woke, Soft-On-Crime DA Is America’s Worst Salesman for More Gun Control Laws

By Mark Oliva Let the gun control zealots defend this. Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón had to be shamed into doing his job to protect his community from a would-be school murderer. DA Gascón refused to bring charges against a teen who allegedly posted threats against a school on social media and was allegedly caught carrying … Read more

Don’t Blame Guns for the Spike in Violent Crime, Blame George Soros’s ‘Legal Arsonists’

Soros prosecutors refuse to enforce laws against shoplifting, drug trafficking, and entire categories of felonies and misdemeanors. In Chicago, Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx allows theft under $1,000 to go unpunished. In Manhattan, District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. refuses to enforce laws against prostitution. In Baltimore, State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby has unilaterally declared the … Read more

With LA’s Crime Now Inconveniencing Beverly Hills and Bel Air Residents, Stances on Gun Ownership Are Changing

“’It’s gotten to a point where residents feel insecure even going from their door to their car,’ said resident Shirley Reitman. ‘A lot of residents are applying for a concealed carry weapon permit, even though that’s a great challenge in LA County.’” Does this woman live in a tough, violence-prone neighborhood in east L.A.? Is … Read more