Shooter’s Global Redefines Firearms Training with SG Timer 2, SG Timer Go, and SG Pulse Electronic Level

Shooter’s Global Redefines Firearms Training with SG Timer 2, SG Timer Go, and SG Pulse Electronic Level

Precision, speed, and reliable data are the foundations of effective training for competitive shooters, professional trainers, and shooting enthusiasts.  Shooter’s Global has stormed into the market with three dynamic tools that promise to elevate your marksmanship to new heights: the SG Timer 2, SG Timer Go, and SG Pulse Electronic Level. SG Timer 2: Premium … Read more

Is It Legal to Hunt With a Thermal Scope?

Hunting laws can be tricky, and if you’re wondering whether you can legally hunt with a thermal scope, the answer depends on where and what you’re hunting. In the United States, thermal optics are legal in many states for hunting predators like coyotes, feral hogs, and varmints but are often restricted for big game like … Read more

Strikeman’s Best-Selling Bundle: Train Big While Saving on Ammo

Dry-fire training has long been the secret weapon for shooters looking to improve their accuracy and draw time without burning through expensive ammunition. What’s even better is you can do it in the comfort of your own home without time-consuming trips to the range or on busy ranges, waiting for your turn on a lane. … Read more