Gear Review: Athlon Midas CF32 Tripod and Argos 20-60×80 HD Spotting Scope

“Hey, can I see that?” It’s pretty typical for fellow shooters to check out one another’s gear on the range. It’s a way to learn about products first-hand and ask another’s personal experience, all without spending any money. Taking the Athlon Midas CF32 tripod and Argos 20-60×80 HD Spotting Scope to the range resulted in … Read more

Gear Review: Vortex Optics High Country Tripod

As a hunter with a photography background, I can attest to the difference high-quality glass can make in the field. Seasoned outdoorsmen will invest a thousand dollars or more in a single pair of binoculars or a spotting scope to gain a better view of game. Long range and small-bore (non-hunting) shooters can relate. Thing … Read more