Springfield Armory’s Echelon 4.0C – A New Compact Powerhouse

Springfield Armory’s Echelon 4.0C

The world of 9mm mid-size pistols is ever-growing. The introduction of the venerable Glock 19 set the standard for what was to become the compact pistol market: 15+1 capacity and a 4-inch barrel. I don’t know how many pistols I’ve handled that meet those criteria, but I found one that got it right—the new Springfield … Read more

Springfield 2020: A Serious Rimfire For Every Age

I don’t know if there’s a more satisfying sound than the tinny ding of a 40-grain .22 bullet hitting steel beyond 200 yards. It can seem magic, ringing targets so far out that the time lag between snappy report and cheerful hit confirmation sometimes allows me to sip coffee. This experience is becoming more widespread … Read more

Gun Review: The Springfield Armory TRP

We all want to spend money on things that makes us feel like we got more than what we paid. The cost of everything from gas and groceries to vehicles and houses are going up and showing no signs of reversing course. How and where we spend money on things that aren’t the day-to-day necessities … Read more

Springfield Armory Releases the Prodigy 9mm in Coyote Brown

Springfield Armory’s Prodigy is a 1911 for the 21st Century. With its polymer frame and double stack magazine, it holds an impressive 27+1 rounds of 9mm, with a a spare extended mag offering 20+1 capacity. There’s even an optional  26-round magazine available. It’s proved popular since it was first released back in 2022, and now … Read more

Gun Review: Springfield Armory’s SA16-A2—The M16A2 All Over Again?

The M16 was as iconic a military weapon as there ever was. When introduced in its original version in 1965, it was a game-changer. We went from the M14’s 30-caliber round to a much smaller .22-caliber round. Some loved it, some didn’t. The rifle was new and basically untried; in some ways, it didn’t perform. … Read more

Barely Legal Yet Positively Awesome: The M1A Scout Squad in Illinois

Thanks to the crypto currency Solana’s meteoric rise earlier this year, I could afford my own copy of the “great gun” Guns Save Life selected for our Great Guns 2024 drawing.  For those who missed it, the Illinois gun rights group GSL likes to give away a really nice firearm every year in a multi-month … Read more

Springfield Teases the HS Produkt VHS Rifle (Apparently)

Springfield Armory might finally be giving a lot of us what we’ve been asking for. If you don’t know, Springfield imports its XD series and Hellcat pistols from Croatia, specifically, from a company called HS Produkt. The XD series used to be known as the HS2000 before Springfield picked up the line. HS Produkt, however, … Read more

Springfield Armory Sues EAA For Alleged Copyright Violations

Tis the season for resurrecting the much-loved Browning Hi-Power 9mm pistol. Springfield Armory teased its new product — Springfield’s new Hi-Power reincarnation, the SA-35 pistol — in a series of advertisements and on its SpringfieldPremiere website. European American Armory took Springfield’s image, did a little photoshopping and then published it to promote their own Girsan … Read more