My mother has a “shit list.” You do NOT want to be on my mother’s shit list. She can make Devil’s Island seem like the Ritz Carlton. And once you’re on my mother’s shit list, you’re on it. It doesn’t matter if you suck up to her like a remora fish on a shark. There’s no coming back. I take the same approach to guns. If a firearm fails, I will never trust the gun again. It’s dead to me. Now clock the video above and imagine how I felt when the slide of my new carry gun, the Springfield XD-M, failed to lock back. The Apollo 13 astronauts were the last people to experience the same sort of sinking feeling about a mechanical malfunction. And yet . . .
What I’m Carrying Now: A Springfield Armory Bar-B-Que Gun
The Anti-Fancy writes . . . Texans sport beautiful hardware for their Sunday afternoon pig-in-pit shindigs. And God loves ’em for it. Where I come from, the best BBQ in town comes from backyards and open garages. Enter the anti-fancy BBQ rig: production grade, popularly priced, and almost-as-pretty-as-the-meat smoker itself. This Springfield Armory XD-M Elite … Read more