Anti-Gun AGs: Nice Credit Card Companies You Got There…Be a Shame if Somethin’ Was to Happen to ‘Em

The Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex isn’t taking the news of America’s credit card issuing companies “pausing” their gun transaction tracking efforts very well. They had dreams of regular Suspicious Activity Reports flooding into ATF from Visa, Mastercard, Discover and Amex, paving the way for eventual de facto registration of all legal gun purchases. And if … Read more

Credit Card Companies ‘Pause’ Implementation of New Gun Purchase Tracking Code

The pushback against Amalgamated Bank CEO Priscilla Sims Brown’s plan began almost as soon as she started to seriously push for a new merchant category code for gun retailer transactions. And when she finally managed to mau-mau the International Standards Organization into approving her gun purchase tracking tool, parties like the NSSF, various state Attorneys … Read more