Multi-Use Tools: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Concealed carrier Marcus Warren said he chose these items to carry because they’re “the best and lightest tools for the job.” This Steyr M9-A1’s 4-inch barrel adds to its concealability while its 17 +1 capacity greatly reduces the need for reloads.

10 Quick Rounds With the Caracal C: Not Your Daily Dose Of Muzzle Flip


When Joe Grine and I shot our ‘Muzzle Flip‘ video, my old friend took some heat for the way his old-school Modified Weaver stance didn’t exactly nullify what recoil the SIG P6, Glock 17 and Steyr M9 produced.

In response to your criticism, however, I decided to shoot a quick string with the Caracal C using the more modern high-thumb Isosceles hold I’m trying to adopt. The camera does jump around a little bit, but the gun itself has almost no jump at all…

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Gun Review: Steyr TMP/SPP Edition

No hearing protection? Bad Chris!

Gun people are some of the most generous hobbyists you’ll ever meet. They’ll put their favorite rifle or pistol in your hands, loaded with a magazine full of their own ammunition, step back and watch the lead fly. I make a point of returning the favor and paying it forward when I can. For my part I’ve introduced beginning shooters to the joys of the AK-74, the Mosin-Nagant, and whatever gun I happen to be testing for TTAG. Yesterday, thanks to this firearms fraternity, I shot my first machine pistol . . .

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New Zealand Military Buys 1,284,220 Dud Rounds

To be fair, the 5.56mm ball ammunition purchased by the New Zealand military isn’t inherently defective. After all, “The bullets had worked well in the past,” reports, helpfully. “But when manufacturer FN Herstal changed the alloy content they could no longer be fired accurately because the bullets disintegrated as they came out of the … Read more