Gun Review: The Ruger RXM Delivers Price, Performance and Practical Value

Polymer-frame striker-fired handguns are the typical service pistol these days, although a few of the previous generation aluminum-frame pistols are still in use. The balance of function, affordability, and economy has a great deal of appeal. The lucrative market is far from tied up by Glock. Even a few percentage points of sales may mean … Read more

Smith & Wesson Performance Center M&P9 M2.0 Full Size Metal Carry Comp

The Smith & Wesson M&P series of handguns is one I’ve found exceptionally ergonomic and subjectively handsome over the years while browsing the local gun counter. Even so, it has shockingly evaded me at the range, where everything I need to know about its performance and functionality has remained a mystery. Not one to blame … Read more

Gun Review: The S&W M&P Metal Performance Center SPEC

Polymer frame striker-fired handguns are affordable, lightweight and reliable in most models. But striker-fired guns don’t have to be made of affordable polymer at all times. There is room for metal frames in order to improve fit and feel and heft. Smith & Wesson’s Military & Police 9mm is one of these guns and offers … Read more

SIG P320 AGX Pro: Are Metal-Frame Striker-Fire Pistols A Thing?

We have been trained to think that all 9mm striker-firer pistols need to have a polymer frame. The truth is metal frame, 9mm strike-firer pistols have always been a thing. The first—the original 9mm pistol—was the Luger P-08 introduced in 1908. Since I’ve been concealed carrying the most common metal frame striker-firer pistol was the … Read more

Retro Polymer: HK’s VP70Z, GLOCK’s P80, & IM Metal’s HS2000

I still remember coming of age as a shooter when the polymer revolution happened. I went from shooting K-Frame S&W Revolvers and Beretta Wonder-Nines to those crazy Austrian Polymer Pistols that everyone thought wouldn’t catch on. It really was an interesting time as the polymer gun did, in fact, catch on. But GLOCK wasn’t the … Read more

Striker Fired vs. Hammer Fired Guns: What’s the Difference and is One Better?

There’s no firing a gun without denting a primer (if you aren’t sure what that means, start with how a gun works). There are two primary ways to do that: hammer fired and striker fired. So, what’s the difference, and is one better than the other? First and foremost, striker fired vs. hammer fired is … Read more

SIG SAUER Announces the Texas Ranger Limited Edition P320 Full-Size Pistol

Well this news won’t please the woke crowd at all. Yesterday Karen Attiah, the global opinions editor of the Washington Post, published an op-ed declaring that, much like the Washington Redskins, the Texas Rangers baseball club will have to change their name. Attiah proclaimed that the almost 200-year-old Rangers (the law enforcement agency, not the … Read more

Gun Review: Kimber EVO SP (TLE) 9mm

Kimber is a company best known for its 1911-format pistols, both large and small. So when I heard they were dipping their toe [back] into the striker-fired sub-compact world, I admit to having some reservations. After all, the Kimber Solo didn’t exactly earn a good reputation, going from shiny new object of affection to discredited, unreliable … Read more

Gun Review: Hudson H9 9mm Pistol

Hudson Mfg’s H9 pistol was the belle of the SHOT Show 2017 ball. And why not? Hudson was a brand-new company making a brand-new pistol — a truly unique pistol, at that. Today, the first production H9s are hitting distributors. It’s time to see if it lives up to all that hype attention. The H9 … Read more