Skynet Ordered To Pay Jury Verdict To Portland Nightclub Goer Shot In The Leg

I know many of you read the headline and immediately wondered if a Terminator had been set loose in Portland, and while I’d shrug my shoulders with indifference if it had because hey, it’s Portland, that’s not actually the case. I’m talking about a different company here, Skynet Security. As many of you already know, … Read more

Amazon and Their Seattle Employees Got Behind Gun Control, Defunding Police…Now They’re Abandoning Their Offices

By Larry Keane Seattle is the home of Amazon’s corporate headquarters, employing more than 80,000 people. It’s also one of the nation’s epicenters of crime, rioting, and looting that erupted in 2020 which remains concerns today. The online sales behemoth that embraces gun control and defunding police is now witnessing the effects of those policies. Amazon … Read more

Washington State Pols Only Care About Gun Control for Law-Abiding Citizens

By Larry Keane The crisis in Seattle is revealing gun control politicians are only interested in enforcing gun laws on the law abiding. When it comes to actual criminals, they’ve abandoned their citizens. Video surfaced of “Raz the Warlord” of Seattle’s infamous Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) or recently renamed the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest … Read more