Gun Rights Orgs Push 2A Cases While the Makeup of the Courts is Still Relatively Favorable

“Since McDonald, the Supreme Court has studiously avoided clarifying the scope of the individual right to keep and bear arms,” Bernstein said in an email. “This led to a fair amount of confusion/inconsistency in the lower courts, but also in some courts basically limiting McDonald and Heller strictly to their facts (i.e., virtually absolute bans on private ownership), which seems … Read more

Barrett On the Court Means Another Second Amendment Case is a Matter of When, Not If

Josh Blackman, a professor at the South Texas College of Law Houston, said with Justice Barrett on the court could make another major ruling a matter of when, not if. “I think Justice Barrett would push the court to take one of these cases,” Mr. Blackman said. “[Justice] Roberts can’t be a wuss any more — he’s going to have … Read more

Another Trump SCOTUS Nominee Could Make the Difference for the Second Amendment

Hope springs eternal. If President Trump and Senate Republicans succeed in pushing through a replacement with the election looming, they will tilt the Supreme Court further to the right for years to come. Many Americans are concerned about how this could impact the Affordable Care Act and the federal legality of abortion. But for the gun … Read more