Mystal: The Republic Can’t Survive the Invalidation of Trump’s Bump Stock Ban

…Ian Millhiser brought up a terrible potential effect of this case that somehow makes everything worse: If the court strikes down the bump stock ban now, based on the legal ambiguity of the machine gun ban, it’s likely that Congress will never be allowed to go back and make it clear that bump stocks are, … Read more

So Much Coping and Seething as the Supreme Court Decides to Take Up the Trump Bump Stock Ban

As we covered earlier, the Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case challenging Trump’s bumpstock ban. Given that this is a court with the same people on it that gave us NYSRPA v. Bruen, the anti-gun fake left is understandably not happy. They think they know how it’s going to go, and they don’t … Read more

Supreme Court Denies Cert in Suit Challenging Maryland’s Bump Stock Ban

This week’s news from the Supreme Court isn’t as promising as it’s been lately. From the Associated Press . . . The Supreme Court is declining to take up a challenge to Maryland’s ban on bump stocks and other devices that make guns fire faster. The high court on Monday turned away a challenge to … Read more