Will SCOTUS Strike Down New York’s ‘May Issue’ Gun Permit Regime? All Signs Point to Yes

By Larry Keane The U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen and a decision will likely come next June at the end of the court’s current term. Early reactions suggest the high court is wary of New York’s restrictive “may issue” concealed carry law and is likely to strike it … Read more

VIDEO: TTAG’s All-Star Supreme Court Argument After-Action Legal Analysis

As promised, TTAG assembled a who’s who of Second Amendment legal minds to give their highly educated opinions and analysis of this morning’s arguments in the New York Second Amendment case before the Supreme Court. See below for brief descriptions of the participants. The discussion lasted about 40 minutes and was ably lead by our … Read more

Kopel: Relax…People in New Jersey Can Handle Gun Rights Just Like Everyone Else

Don’t worry about the doomsday scenarios propounded by opponents of the right to bear arms. The right is already respected in 42 states, and that data show that licensed carriers have a minuscule crime rate, approximately the same as law enforcement officers. If the rights of the people of New Jersey are restored, there’s no … Read more

Amnesty International: Allowing New Yorkers to Carry Firearms Would Violate International Law

  [Amnesty International] argues that “The Constitution was . . . drafted with international law as a set of background norms, and this Court should construe the Constitution accordingly.” However, none of the alleged “background norms” that AI cites existed in 1791 when the Second Amendment was ratified, or in 1868 when the Fourteenth Amendment … Read more

Second Amendment Rights: It’s a Long Way To Certiorari, It’s a Long Way to Go

Since McDonald in 2010 the People of the Gun have awaited the Court’s pleasure in granting cert to another Second Amendment case. We had only to wait six years when SCOTUS granted cert to Caetano v Massachusetts. SCOTUS again granted cert in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. City of New York in … Read more

Supreme Court Won’t Take Cases Challenging Lifetime Gun Bans for Non-Violent Offenses

The United States Supreme Court announced today that it will not review three cases challenging lifetime bans on gun ownership by people who have committed nonviolent offenses, some as long as four decades ago. From USA Today: In one of the cases before the court, a Pennsylvania man who pleaded guilty to driving under the … Read more

Are You Suffering From Post-Constitutional Syndrome?

By Theresa Inacker Are you suffering from a post-concussive shock after the Supreme Court declined to hear the Texas election challenge case against Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia? For many of the case’s supporters, it felt like a whack on the side of the head with a 2×4. What you are actually suffering from is … Read more

On the Arguments: Predicting the Outcome of New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn. v. City of New York

Our correspondent, LKB, is a member of the Supreme Court Bar and arrived outside the Supreme Court building at 3:40am to line up for a place in the courtroom to hear the arguments in New York Rifle & Pistol Association v. City of New York. That dedication got him the first place in line, right … Read more