Why We Need the Supreme Court Back in the Second Amendment Business

By Miguel A. Faria, MD Some readers were surprised to learn from my previous article on this subject that the Supreme Court of the United States has not made it clear that the right to keep and bear arms is protected outside the home. “How can that be?” they asked. Further perplexed, they wondered, “But … Read more

Another Trump SCOTUS Nominee Could Make the Difference for the Second Amendment

Hope springs eternal. If President Trump and Senate Republicans succeed in pushing through a replacement with the election looming, they will tilt the Supreme Court further to the right for years to come. Many Americans are concerned about how this could impact the Affordable Care Act and the federal legality of abortion. But for the gun … Read more

Attacks on the Constitution: The Second Amendment and Beyond

By Theresa Inacker An attack on our Constitution is an attack on our constitutional republic itself. It has become evident that non-stop Democrat Party attacks on the Second Amendment and gun rights are part of a larger disrespect for the Constitution as a whole. Yet is it merely a symptom, or a disease itself? The … Read more

Equal Justice Under Law? Not If You Want to Exercise Your Second Amendment Rights

By Theresa Inacker From the Supreme Court’s website: Equal Justice Under Law, these words written above the main entrance to the Supreme Court Building, express the ultimate responsibility of the Supreme Court of the United States. … As the final arbiter of the law, the Court is charged with ensuring the American people the promise … Read more

The Supreme Court Fiddles While the Second Amendment Burns – Part 1, An Abdication of Duty

By John Velleco For the last decade, the United States Supreme Court has abdicated its constitutional duty to resolve “cases and controversies” involving the Second Amendment. It has run from its historic duty, as articulated by Chief Justice John Marshall, “to say what the law is.” The High Court has stood on the sideline while … Read more

SAF’s Gottlieb on SCOTUS’s Refusal to Hear Second Amendment Cases

From Alan Gottlieb: The Supreme Court’s refusal to take a Second Amendment Foundation case falls squarely at the feet of Chief Justice John Roberts. He owes every gun owner in the United States an explanation about why the high court declined to hear a number of important Second Amendment cases. Given the fact that the … Read more