Anticipating the NYSRPA v. Bruen Decision? Here’s How to Watch What Happen

By LKB The most important Second Amendment case in a generation was argued in November. As was covered in the TTAG post-argument analysis, the consensus was that we’ll see NYC’s “may issue” regime (and likely those of the other states that still have one) go the way of “separate but equal.” There is also a very good … Read more

Having Every Tom, Dick And Harriet Carrying a Gun Would Leave New York ‘Defenseless’

The last thing New York needs is for every Tom, Dick and Harriet on the street to be carrying. Moreover, the argument for reasonable restrictions on the Second Amendment is hardly new. Indeed, many conservative legal experts support New York’s law, noting that government regulations on guns go back centuries and that the Founders meant for that … Read more

3 Legal Cases That Affect Your Right to Bear Arms

For the past few decades, gun control advocates have been demonizing guns and gun owners. But with the recent surge in first-time gun buyers, it’s become increasingly apparent that gun owners are everyday Americans who recognize the importance of being able to protect themselves and their loved ones. And yet gun control advocates are still … Read more

Mystal: Democrat States Must Rage Against the Dying of the Civilian Disarmament Light

  Ammosexuals may argue that lethal phallic symbols are the only things that compensate for their feelings of fear, but I know who these people will be shooting at. It’ll be me. It’ll be my kids. I have the right to ride home from a Mets game without worrying that a hysterical white man is … Read more

Text, History and Tradition – Not Interest Balancing – At the Heart of Supreme Court’s New York Gun Rights Case

By John Velleco Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral argument in New York State Rifle & Pistol v. Bruen, a challenge to New York State’s discretionary concealed carry licensing scheme, which requires New Yorkers to demonstrate to the satisfaction of a government bureaucrat that they have some sort of special, individualized, good cause before … Read more

What a Supreme Court Gun Rights Victory Would Look Like in New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn v. Bruen

Can the government stop you from carrying a concealed handgun in public? That’s the question before the United States Supreme Court in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen: “Whether the Second Amendment allows the government to prohibit ordinary law-abiding citizens from carrying handguns outside the home for self-defense.” As the petitioners pointed … Read more