Burton and Derfner: The Supreme Court’s Radical Turn in Favor or Gun Rights Endangers ‘The Security of a Free State’

In the late 20th century, however, a new Supreme Court took a radical turn. Starting in 1995, a 5-4 majority suddenly threw out all or parts of three modest federal laws in five years: the Gun-Free School Zones Act in 1995; the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act in 1997 (that law was passed after President … Read more

Strong Majority of Americans Approve of Supreme Court Decisions That Expand, Protect Their Gun Rights

Americans are showing they approve of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of more individual rights for law-abiding Americans in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, instead of siding with more restrictions. U.S. Supreme Court Justices aren’t elected. They don’t face approval or rejection by voters at the ballot box. They … Read more

BREAKING: Supreme Court Strikes Down New York’s ‘May Issue’ Concealed Carry Law

The United States Supreme Court has struck down New York’s “proper cause” or “may issue” requirement for obtaining concealed carry permits in a 6 to 3 opinion handed down today in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen. This is the case that was a second bite at the apple, challenging New York’s … Read more

Anticipating the NYSRPA v. Bruen Decision? Here’s How to Watch What Happen

By LKB The most important Second Amendment case in a generation was argued in November. As was covered in the TTAG post-argument analysis, the consensus was that we’ll see NYC’s “may issue” regime (and likely those of the other states that still have one) go the way of “separate but equal.” There is also a very good … Read more

Boyce: There’s Nothing Reasonable About ‘Shall-Issue’ Concealed Carry in New York City

  New York and New Jersey are two of the eight states that have similar laws giving local authorities discretion to decide who receives gun permits. Legal experts say a decision striking down or loosening those “proper cause” requirements will mean more concealed weapons in public places — especially concerning in densely populated areas. “I … Read more

Senators Threaten Court-Packing – Again – As Americans Embrace Their Second Amendment Rights

  The unauthorized leak of a draft abortion opinion from the U.S. Supreme Court has Democrats up in arms (again) about packing the U.S. Supreme Court. This isn’t a new argument and one gun control advocates publicly pitched before. Senators are openly calling for court-packing again and that’s before the Supreme Court has rendered a … Read more

Dionne: The Dreaded Gun Lobby and a Conservative Supreme Court are Handcuffing Common Sense ‘Gun Safety’ Reform

At least as dangerous to public safety is the radically conservative majority on the Supreme Court that claims to revere state and local rights but seems prepared to upend municipal efforts to get a handle on the gun problem. The consensus after last November’s oral arguments saw this majority as hell-bent on undoing New York’s … Read more

The Warren Court Supersized the First Amendment…Now It’s Time for the Second Amendment

The oral argument in Bruen demonstrates that the conservative wing of the court is not sincerely interested in history, text, and tradition if the evidence cuts against them. What they are intent on doing is vindicating gun rights, rewarding the base of the Republican Party, and recasting the scope of the Second Amendment so that it resembles … Read more

Mystal: Democrat States Must Rage Against the Dying of the Civilian Disarmament Light

  Ammosexuals may argue that lethal phallic symbols are the only things that compensate for their feelings of fear, but I know who these people will be shooting at. It’ll be me. It’ll be my kids. I have the right to ride home from a Mets game without worrying that a hysterical white man is … Read more