Supreme Court Sales Tax Ruling Could Mean Trouble for Gun Owners

In a decision handed down today, the Supreme Court upheld a South Dakota law that requires online retailers with no presence in the state to collect sales taxes. In a 5-4 ruling, the court overturned a 1992 court precedent barring states from requiring businesses that have no physical presence in the state to collect their sales … Read more

Legal Precedents Don’t Favor Gun Owners in Confiscation Cases

One of the arguments gun rights advocates frequently make when discussing the legality of outlawing the possession of certain firearms (so-called “assault weapons”) and gear (standard capacity magazines, bump fire stocks) is that requiring gun owners to remove, destroy or turn in the banned items constitutes an illegal taking under the Fifth Amendment. …nor shall … Read more

Question of the Day: Are You An Anarchist?

“Individuals do not have the legal authority to determine for themselves what their rights include,” Pierre Atlas (above) writes an, “doing so would be anarchy. In our republic, determining the scope and content of constitutional rights is up to the legislatures and the courts. Even Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority in Heller, made … Read more

Second Amendment Foundation, Calguns Foundation File for Supreme Court Review of 9th Circuit CA 10-Day Waiting Period Decision

A press release just issued by The Calguns Foundation: WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 1, 2017)­­­­­­ – Today, two individuals and two Second Amendment civil rights advocacy groups filed a petition for certiorari in the case of Silvester, et al. v. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra asking the United States Supreme Court to review and overturn a wrongly-decided … Read more

Gorsuch to Feinstein: Heller is the Law of the Land At his confirmation hearing today, Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch declared that D.C. v. Heller was the law of the land and that he would apply and enforce that decision if confirmed. “Whatever’s in Heller is the law,” he replied to questions about the Second Amendment from Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) “And my job is to … Read more

Springfield Armory Daily Digest: Expanding the Universe, Weaponized Tears, and Ultra-Deep Concealment

Everyone is welcome . . . Unexpected buyers flood post-election gun market – “Gun sales usually surge going into the holidays, but this year, experts expect a shift in buyer demographics. With Donald Trump headed to the White House, gun retailers are seeing more women and the elderly buying their first gun. ‘The request from people … Read more

BREAKING: Donald Trump Elected President, Gun Rights Safe…For Now

While there’s still some hesitancy among some of the networks, outlets such as Google, the Wall Street Journal and the Associated Press have finally declared a winner. It was framed as the unaccountable elites versus the common people. The powerful versus the powerless. The government versus the governed. But manifestly, for the more than 100 … Read more

Hillary Not Only Hates The Second Amendment, She Lied. The Heller Case Wasn’t About Protecting Toddlers

  By Regis Giles of When Hillary Clinton announced last night that she was pro-second amendment, I couldn’t help but laugh and scream ‘BULLSHIT!’ She really thinks the American public is that stupid? Well Hillary, we’ve got news for you…WE AREN’T! The Hilldebeest has stated in the past that Second Amendment supporters are a terrorist minority: … Read more

“Conventional Wisdom.” As unreliable as “Common Sense” is rare.

Did you ever stop to think about why you think what you think? Seriously. Let’s stop a minute and consider one of those “meta” questions, like “why do we believe what we believe.” I started down this path today, after reading an article about Justice Clarence Thomas, and how he works within the Supreme Court. The conclusions of the article are interesting. What I learned from the article, and how I arrived at my conclusions bear discussion. 

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