That’s Otis McDonald of the italicized McDonald decision by the U.S. Supreme Court. The five to four ruling struck down Chicago’s 28-year-old handgun ban, incorporated the Second Amendment (made it trump state law) and opened the door to an extended magazine of lawsuits, thanks to its green light for “reasonable” gun control regulations. As we continue to follow the arc of that story, let’s pause for a moment as an African American who secured the right to bear arms in the highest court in the United States applies for a handgun license at a Chicago police station . . .
Supreme Court
More McDonald Analysis: NSSF Speaks Out
The National Shooting Sports Foundation weighs in on the McDonald ruling, et all. Part the Second after the break.
Colbert’s Got a Gun…
The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Automatics for the People – Ilya Shapiro & Jackie Hilly<a> Colbert Report Full Episodes 2010 Election Fox News Stephen Colbert weighs in with a point/counterpoint discussion of the McDonald decision.
U.S. Supreme Court Strikes Down Chicago’s Handgun Ban
The decision has just been handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court, reaffirming your right to own a gun in all 50 states. This is a game-changer, folks. In a 5 to 4 ruling, Justice Samuel Alito writing for the majority, stated “the right to keep and bear arms must be regarded as a substantive guarantee, not a prohibition that could be ignored so long as the States legislated in an evenhanded manner.”
Supremes Nominee Kagan: Did She or Didn’t She?
Those wacky ObamaNauts. I guess when you’ve got the White House, the Senate and the House, you figure the world is your Oyster – and so’s the Supreme Court. But the Big O is finding life anything but a bowl of Cherry Blossoms this time o’ year in D.C. Most guys with the entire Legislative Branch as their bee-yatch would rightly figure that any nominee for the Supreme Court would have an easy time of it. Not this time. Chaz Bono impersonator Elena Kagan may have zero judicial experience (not a prerequisite for serving on the court, by the way), but she’s left a paper trail a mile wide and several administrations long – which presents her and the ObamaNation with something of a problem.
Mayor Daley’s Gun Control Proposals Unleash Quote Wars
Every year, Chicago Mayor Richard Daley holds a press conference on gun crime, wherein Hizzoner proposes some initiative or another for reducing illegal guns/gun crimes. Every single time, he trots out a victim of same to justify a legislative agenda that impinges on the rights of non-criminal gun owners. This year Dick wants to turn “knowingly sell or transfer a gun to a known gang member” into a Class 1 felony and mandatory “micro-stamping” (to link handguns and bullets in CSI heaven). Whether or not that’s a good thing depends on your stance on gun control. But this time out, Daley’s lost the big ‘mo. He’s looking down the barrel of a Supreme Court ruling which could strike down Chicago’s gun ban—and any other plans he might have in that regard. Still, they don’t call it “the windy city” for nothing. All sides of the debate are ready, willing and able to provide sound byte nation with a brief blast of hot air. As are we, courtesy The Sun Times. Todd Vandermyde, the National Rifle Association’s Illinois legislative liaison gets his quote on. “I’m quite used to the mayor using the Second Amendment as toilet paper. But, now they want to use the First Amendment as a doormat and the due process guarantees of the 14th Amendment as a dishrag.” As Mr. Bumble would say, MORE?
Supreme Court Transcripts: Oral Arguments in McDonald v. City of Chicago Gun Ban Case
Download the pdf here. The plaintiffs’ (opposing the ban) based their opening salvo on the 14th amendment. (You might say they played the race card, but I couldn’t possibly comment.) “In 1868, our nation made a promise to the McDonald family that they and their descendants would henceforth be American citizens, and with American citizenship came the guarantee enshrined in our Constitution that no State could make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of American citizenship. The rights so guaranteed were not trivial. The Civil War was not fought because States were attacking people on the high seas or blocking access to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. The rights secured by the Fourteenth Amendment were understood to include the fundamental rights honored by any free government and the personal guarantees of the –” And that’s it. Chief Justice Roberts cuts Alan Gura short with the usual argy-bargy about states’ rights. And then the lawyer gives freshly-minted Supreme Sotomayor a bitch slapping. So to speak . . .
Mayor Daley: “If you allow people to arm themselves, all first-responders are in jeopardy”
With the Supreme Court set to rule on Chicago’s gun ban, Chi-town Mayor Richard M. Daley is trying to pump up the shotgun. I mean, volume. The Chicago Sun Times provides a platform for hizzoner. “How many more of our children, our brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers must needlessly die because guns are too … Read more