Amber Heard Sleeps With . . . a .357 Magnum

Given that Erin Young’s stalker is familiar with Barrett rifles, I can understand why Ms. Heard would want it known [via the Daily Mail] that she sleeps within spitting distance of a .357 Magnum at night. The 23-year-old Texan bombshell seems pretty sensible on the gun safety front. “I’m a good shot and I love guns – I own several. I don’t have children in the house, so I sleep with my gun in a place that’s close enough that if I needed to protect myself, I could. It’s not in bed with me, though; it’s in a safe location. I’m fully trained and I’m an active member of a gun club. I’m definitely pro-gun.” So far, so NRA. And then . .

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EDITORIAL: Revolvers Rule!

By William C Montgomery on March 25, 2010

Let’s face facts: semi-automatic pistols are cool and revolvers are for stogy old farts and nerds. Case in point, who gets all the chicks: Riggs (Beretta 9mm) or Murtaugh (S&W .357 Magnum)?  Magnum (Colt Government Model .45 APC) or Higgins (.455 Webley MK VI)? Axel Foley (9mm Browning Hi-Power) or Billy Rosewood (Colt Detective Special, .38 Special)? True, nobody wants to look like Barney Fife when they are trying to stare down hardened home-invaders. But it’s too bad that the wheel gun gets no respect because in the real world double action revolvers are the best choice for self-defense for most people most of the time.

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