Gear Review: Swampfox Kraken Enclosed Emitter Red Dot Sight

I’ve become quite the fan of red dots on my handguns. My everyday carry handgun has one and I rarely leave home without it. I’ve experimented with a wide variety of dots at a wide variety of price points. The more I shoot and train, the more I’ve become enamored with enclosed red dot optics. … Read more

Gear Review: Swampfox Saber 5X Prism Optic

During my time in the Marine Corps, our optics of choice were Trijicon ACOGs. These were 4X fixed power prismatic optics. At that point, I thought this was the best option for infantrymen. With that said, I still greatly appreciate prismatic optics and own several models. My latest is the Swampfox Saber, one of the … Read more

Gear Review: Swampfox Trihawk 3X Prism Sight

I’ve been a big fan of fixed power prism sights since my time behind an ACOG. I’ve also appreciated their simplicity, their compact and lightweight design along with a hair of magnification. Following on their Blade 1X Prism optic, I received the Swampfox Trihawk, a 3X fixed power prism sight that’s due to begin shipping … Read more

Gear Review: Swampfox Blade 1×25 Prism Sight

What is the point of a 1X prism sight? Some will most certainly point out that a 1X prism is a red dot replacement for those with astigmatism. The dot in a prism sight won’t streak, blur and go crazy like a standard red dot for those who suffer from astigmatism. That’s true, but a … Read more