More ATF Atrocity: ATF SWAT raid in Arkansas Raises Questions About Excessive Force

Bryan Malinowski, the 53-year-old executive director of the Clinton National Airport in Little Rock, Arkansas, died two days after exchanging gunfire with ATF agents who raided his home at 6 a.m. Tuesday morning. His death raises questions about whether he knew he was trading gunfire with federal agents, or if he thought their no-knock raid … Read more

WHEN COPS LARP: Police in Elyria, OH Toss Destructive Devices At Home, Injuring Baby

What happens when a platoon of SWAT cops in a smallish-town of 52,000 descends upon the wrong home in search of a teenage punk? Well, if they toss destructive devices all around, bust out windows and storm inside like they’re on a mission in Fallujah, there’s more than a chance that their actions will have … Read more

Dramatic Video Shows LAPD SWAT Officer Shot During Standoff

The Los Angeles Police Department has released some dramatic bodycam footage of a standoff that took place on March 16th. In it, an LAPD SWAT cop was shot twice by the suspect using a shotgun, once in his tactical vest and another time wounding him in the neck and face area. Fortunately, he’ll survive. As … Read more

Discover THIS: The lone gunman was an Eco-Nut.

God, how I love irony. (It’s like goldie or bronzie, but more afforable.) Today, when word went out across the InterWebs that someone had taken hostages at the formerly-credible tree-hugging network known as The Discovery Channel, I shuddered. Not because of the potential loss of innocent lives. That’s ALWAYS scary. No, I figured it would end up being some nut that was protesting how every other word on Discovery seems to be “green” and how they’ve become Al Gore’s bee-yatch on Ecological Ponzi Schemes (a.k.a. CLimate Change). But noooooooooo! It wasn’t a pistol-packin,’ Palin-lovin,’ animal-eatin’ cowboy shootin’ up the joint. Nope It was some moron who thought The Discovery Channel is too Conservative, and too soft on ecological issues.

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Grey’s Anatomy Season Finale Guns Down Rivals; Why The SWAT Team Didn’t Take a Second Shot

Variety reports that Grey’s Anatomy’s season finale was a hit. [NOTE: to see the initial gun violence, click on the link and skip to 7:44] The show wasn’t as big a hit as last year’s finale, but what do you want, blood? Well yes, obviously. Before I share the viewer stats, a quick heads-up to TV producers: portraying the hearing damage caused by a gun shot / shots opens up tremendous acting possibilities. It would also serve the public interest: showing another “consequence” of gun violence. How civic-minded would that be? After the numbers, an answer to the question plaguing gun-aware viewers: why didn’t the SWAT team take out the gunman after their first shot?

The two-hour season finale of ABC’s “Grey’s Anatomy,” in which a revenge-minded gunman shot and killed several members of the hospital staff, dominated the final Thursday of the television season. ABC won the night with ease in all key demos, while CBS held the advantage in total viewers.

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Meggitt Training Systems Part I – SHOTT House

Commenting on a previous TTAG piece about confronting intruders in your home, reader MikeD shed some light on the immensely dangerous activity of clearing a building:

I work out with a large portion of my city’s SWAT team, and since I’m friendly with them I’ve been invited to help them with training (I get to be a bad guy and they hunt me down). Even trained professionals have a very hard time safely clearing a building. In every scenario I’ve run in training, I’ve always shot one officer before they got me. If they can’t do it, I surely can’t do it.

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