Don’t Exploit the COVID-19 Emergency to Push the Anti-Gun TAPS Act

By Ryan Frasor As liberty minded Americans, the focus of our fight must always be on protecting the God-given rights of the individual. Now more than ever we must be on alert for the bad actors who would gladly use the timing of a coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to give the government more power … Read more

Swearer: TAPS Act Surveillance is the Best Way to Avoid More Gun Control Laws

The TAPS Act was a bill that was written last year following mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton. As the Firearms Policy Coalition describes it, the goal of the bill is to develop a national strategy for behavioral threat assessment techniques for state and local authorities. It would also “build databases of information on … Read more

Using Big Brother-Style Monitoring to Predict ‘Gun Violence’ is Getting More Pushback

Welcome to the brave new world of social media and other online activity monitoring in the name of preventing the next El Paso or Dayton. Texas Senator John Cornyn’s new RESPONSE bill would have schools keep an eye on what their students are doing and saying online. Other bills such as the bipartisan-supported TAPS Act … Read more

TAPS Act Getting GOP Support Where Red Flag, Other Gun Control Bills Don’t

In the rush to do something following recent shootings in El Paso, Dayton and Odessa, many of the usual elected and other suspects dusted off their well-worn playbooks to push their favorite legislative restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms. They’re pushing the usual wish list items like “universal” background checks, magazine capacity … Read more

The Federal Threat Assessment, Prevention and Safety (TAPS) Act – A Complete Analysis

By Andrew Tuohy I first learned of the Threat Assessment, Prevention, and Safety (TAPS) Act (H.R. 838) when I saw a tweet by Texas representative Dan Crenshaw. Because he mentioned it in the same tweet as state red flag laws, I immediately assumed it was some sort of federal red flag law. Since I have … Read more