Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Cops Can’t or Won’t Use Guns Effectively So Let’s Keep Teachers Disarmed, Too

License-to-carry permits in Pennsylvania reveal absolutely nothing about the ability of any of their 1.5 million holders to handle firearms. Incredibly, Pennsylvania requires no training for a concealed carry permit. Nor do classroom, range or simulated tactical training adequately prepare people to make split-second, life-or-death decisions, or handle shooters who shoot back. Even law enforcement … Read more

Uvalde Proves, Once and for All, That At Least Some Teachers and Staff In Every School Must Be Armed

After a high profile shooting like the massacre at the elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, it’s not uncommon for a lot of bad information to come out in the media and even from investigators who don’t yet have a handle on what happened. That’s why we usually add warnings to our initial reports when these … Read more

Are Armed Teachers Outperforming School Resource Officers?

In the current push for more gun control in America, lots of old “data” is being tossed around. Some of it is good information, and much of it is either altogether fake or taken from poorly-designed studies. I don’t think I have to tell readers here what side of the debate most of the info … Read more