[VIDEO] Governor Greg Abbott Presents Texas Medal of Courage to Jack Wilson

By the Associated Press Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday gave Texas’ highest civilian honor to a 71-year-old man who shot and killed an armed attacker at a church in December. Abbott gave Jack Wilson the Governor’s Medal of Courage during a ceremony in Austin, calling him a hero for stopping the shooter at a church … Read more

Presidential Candidates: Average Americans Can’t Be Trusted With Guns

By Larry Keane Billionaire Michael Bloomberg is stumping on the presidential campaign trail telling Americans they can’t be trusted to exercise their right to own a gun. Not for self-protection. Not for recreational shooting or hunting. Not even because it’s a God-given right enshrined in the Bill of Rights. He says this, of course, surrounded … Read more

Bloomberg on Texas Church Shooting: Only Cops Should Have Guns and Decide When to Shoot

Radical, gun-hating Democrat (and long-shot presidential contender) Michael Bloomberg offered his thoughts following Sunday’s West Freeway Church shooting. Of course, big gun control’s sugar daddy wouldn’t admit that good guy Americans and their guns saved lives in that church on Sunday Instead, he said that despite the evidence that millions of people saw for themselves, … Read more

Biden Blasted for Criticism of Texas Law Allowing Guns in Churches

By the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Former Vice President Joe Biden deserves every brickbat being thrown in his direction in the aftermath of Sunday’s church shooting incident in Texas for declaring in September that the state’s new law allowing guns in churches is “irrational,” the Citizens Committee for the … Read more

Why the West Freeway Church of Christ Video is Gun Controllers’ Worst Nightmare

If you’re not a football fan, you probably don’t know who Ray Rice is. Or was. Rice was a running back for the Baltimore Ravens. In 2014, the NFL suspended Rice for two games after he was arrested and indicted for assaulting his then-fiancee. That bit of news barely merited a mention on ESPN SportsCenter. … Read more

The Effort to Discount the Texas Church Defensive Gun Use Continues Apace

**LISTEN NOW** Jack Wilson who fatally shot the White Settlement church shooter details how it went down & why the shooter had their attention even before he walked into the church @FOX4 pic.twitter.com/ZKS6mmR6NA — Natalie Solis (@Fox4Natalie) December 30, 2019 The Texas governor, Greg Abbott, praised the church members for “swiftly ending the attack”. But … Read more

The West Freeway Church Shooting Won’t Change Any Minds on the Hard Core Anti-Gun Left

Let’s be clear. If yesterday’s church shooting in the West Freeway Church of Christ had taken place in another church (one without a security plan) or in another state (one that prohibits carrying firearms in houses of worship) the casualty count would likely have been much higher than it was. That’s a fact acknowledged by … Read more

SAF: Texas Church Shooting Proof That Good Guys With Guns Protect Soft Targets

By the Second Amendment Foundation The tragic church shooting Sunday in White Settlement, Texas in which church members fatally shot the gunman provides more evidence that good guys with guns are necessary to stop bad guys, and that armed citizens can protect soft targets, the Second Amendment Foundation said today. “This horrible shooting was live … Read more

Police, Politicians Praise Armed Church Congregants Who Stopped a Mass Shooting

By the Associated Press A man pulled out a shotgun at a Texas church service and fired on worshippers Sunday, killing two people before he was shot to death by congregants who fired back, police said. Authorities at a Sunday evening news conference praised the two congregants who opened fire as part of a volunteer … Read more