Uvalde Proves, Once and for All, That At Least Some Teachers and Staff In Every School Must Be Armed

After a high profile shooting like the massacre at the elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, it’s not uncommon for a lot of bad information to come out in the media and even from investigators who don’t yet have a handle on what happened. That’s why we usually add warnings to our initial reports when these … Read more

White: Focusing on Cultural Pathologies That Lead to Mass Shootings Reveals Difficult Truths…So Instead, We Talk About Guns

[G]un control policies, even if they could be effective, would be little more than a Band-Aid solution. People don’t shoot each other just because there are guns around. The Uvalde shooter wanted to shoot up a classroom full of children — that’s the real problem. This, ultimately, is the heart of the debate. Why are … Read more

Uvalde Shooting Update: Tragedy, Good Work, and Unimaginable Error

Earlier today Texas Department of Public Safety Steve McCraw gave an update on the timeline and chain of events of the recent school shooting in Uvalde. His statements were, to put it mildly, jaw dropping. After reviewing much of the video evidence, we now know how the shooter gained easy access into the school. A … Read more