FPC Challenges Texas Carry Bans

The Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced Tuesday it has filed a new lawsuit challenging Texas laws that prohibit carrying firearms at certain public locations, including businesses that primarily serve alcohol, racetracks and sporting events. The suit, Ziegenfuss v. McCraw, seeks to end what the plaintiffs argue are unconstitutional restrictions on law-abiding citizens’ right to carry … Read more

Gun Beats Vehicle as Armed Citizen Stops Attacker from Running People Over

While police have shown time and again skill at successfully using a 5,000-pound bullet (aka police cruiser) to stop a threat, the threats themselves seem to be having trouble executing the same stunt with their vehicles on their intended victims. Recently, in Ohio, an armed citizen prevented a man behind the wheel of a car from running over him … Read more

Machete-Wielding Intruder Confronted By Texas Homeowner At Gunpoint

A machete-wielding intruder had second thoughts when he found himself staring down the business end of a Texas homeowner’s 9mm handgun. The confrontation happened around 5 p.m. on August 21. Liberty Hill homeowner, Darryl Stevens, caught the intruder on camera attempting to break into his home, Fox 7 Austin is reporting.  Stevens and a contractor … Read more

WTF Texas? State Republicans Take Aim on State Fair Firearms Ban

For most people considering what they will do if things in America truly go to hell in a handbasket, most figure, we’ll just go to Texas, one of the last bastions of seeming common sense and traditional American values such as toughness, self-reliance and common sense. That’s certainly what hundreds of thousands of Californians did … Read more

Hunting Expanded on Wildlife Refuges

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced this week that they are opening up 53 new hunting and sport fishing opportunities on approximately 211,000 acres nationwide in the National Wildlife Refuge System, a move heralded by pro-gun and pro-hunting organizations. Twelve national wildlife refuges, managed by the service, are proposing to open and expand opportunities … Read more

Could It Be Satan? Nope, Just One of His Sissy Boy Wanna-Be Followers

Fox 7 out of Austin, Texas, is reporting that a Taylor, Texas, break-in was cut short the other week when a knife-wielding home invader got dumped to the ground by an armed homeowner. Here’s how police say it played out: Austin Sumpter, 23, was armed with a knife when he broke into a home in … Read more

Whiny Travis County DA Runs to Legal Mommy Because He Doesn’t Like Texas Guv’s Pardon

In a controversial, and arguably partisan move, Travis County District Attorney José Garza announced this week that his office is seeking to overturn Governor Greg Abbott’s recent pardon of Daniel Perry. Perry, an ex-Army sergeant, was convicted of murder for defending himself during a 2020 Black Lives Matter protest in Austin. The day after Perry’s … Read more

Federal Judge Blocks Biden Administration’s Gun Show Background Check Rule in Texas

A federal judge has blocked the Biden administration from enforcing a new rule that would require all firearms sellers to run background checks on buyers at gun shows or other places outside brick-and-mortar stores in Texas. The rule aims to close a loophole allowing unlicensed sellers to sell firearms without background checks. U.S. District Judge … Read more

Judge Fast-Tracks Review of ATF’s Universal Background Check Rule Amid Legal Challenge by GOA, Texas

A federal judge has expedited the legal proceedings against a new rule by the ATF that mandates universal background checks on private firearm sales. U.S. District Court Judge Matthew J. Kacsmaryk’s decision on Friday sets the stage for a rapid review of the contentious rule, which has faced strong opposition from gun rights advocates and … Read more