OMG! A Banana! With a Rifle! OMG!

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According to 12 News an unnamed man was cited by Beaumont, Texas police on Saturday while standing in front of a gun store and wearing a banana suit…with an AK slung across his back. Nothing to see here, officers: the man was working for the store’s owner. Notice I said cited, not arrested: the man was also waving a placard with an arrow, directing customers to the ‘Grand Re-Opening’ sale for the Golden Triangle Tactical store. This open display of commerce apparently violates a Beaumont municipal ordinance, which bans soliciting business while on or alongside a roadway . . .

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Incendiary Image Of The Day: Greasing The Treads Of Our Tanks

This image comes to us from the Facebook page of Congressman Steve Stockman, Republican of Texas, where the tenor of the ensuing debate makes our own dear mikeb2000 look positively collegial by comparison. Laughs aside, using salt water as a lubricant is strongly not recommended. Regardless of its source. Not even for an AK.

Penn & Teller: Gun Control is Bullsh*t!

First off, Penn & Teller’s Showtime program is NOT SUITABLE FOR WORK. (Not even the name of the show is something you can run in a family newspaper.) Here they tackle the (il)logic and (lack of) reason in the “gun control” movement, in their patently-irreverent style. We’ve linked Parts II and III of the show after the jump. 

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Don’t Bring a Gun to a Car Fight.


Or something like that. Now most people, if robbed at gunpoint might call 911 and be done with it. Let John Law take it from there. But if you want to ask the question, “what do you get when you cross a retired Marine from Texas with a pistol-wielding punk?” you get this story from the Houston Chronicle, via . . .

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Texas School Carry: “I have a cunning plan…”

You’d think (if you go by perception rather than reality) that Texas would have the most unrestrictive gun laws in the nation. And you’d be wrong. But there are those who keep trying to fix this, one bill at a time. Witness the tireless efforts of one Texas State Senator Jeff Wentworth (R – San Antonio) who authored a bill to allow those who hold a Concealed Handgun License to carry on Texas college campuses. The bill, which was unable to muster enough votes to get reported out of committee, looked as if it was D.O.A. But that was apparently just what (almost) everyone thought. The rest of the story offers the intrigue of the Borgias, the Machieavelian machinations of De Medicis, and the comic stylings of S. Baldrick from BBC TV’s Blackadder.

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Dear Diary: 30 Days to Conceal Carry, Holiday Edition

It’s been a few days since I’ve posted anything here on TTAG. My apologies, my daughter was in town, and my 12-year-old offspring is a force of nature, and not to be denied when she in for the holidays. But all good things must eventually come to an end (all too soon, if you ask me) and so we made our pilgrimage to Love Field to put her on a plane to Amarillo. But before that, we’d planned to come over a day early to see friends, let her get in a little shopping at her own version of Mecca (Sam Moon Importers, if you must know), and attend a party billed as “Pistols and Pizza,” where a bunch of friends go to a gun range and shoot holes in pieces of paper, then indulge in some really good pizza (Urban Crust, if you must know). Sadly, events conspired against us, and we got outta town late, forcing to miss the range time, and meet up for pizza alone.

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Dear Diary: 30 Days to Conceal Carry, Day 19

I’ll admit it. I love musical theatre. And I’m NOT a metrosexual. I grew up in a musical household (I’m a 5th generation professional), and musical comedy was a part of my life from birth. I’ve played bunches of musicals from the pit, and I’ve trod the boards as well. Hi, I’m Brad Kozak…you might remember me in the role of the Pharaoh in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. So it was not out-of-character for me to look forward to my first chance to see Spamalot, the Eric Idle-penned musical more-or-less based on the immortal Monty Python and the Holy Grail. And as is my custom, I planned to go packin’ . . .

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One More Thought on the Problems with Concealed Carry.

The best thing about slaving over a hot laptop for TTAG is the instant gratification I get from the TTAGencia, when they respond to my posts. Seriously. In what other media do you get that kind of feedback. Of course, it’s not all roses and champagne – you guys are ready willing and able to take me to task for any points I’ve mangled, overlooked, or just outright gotten wrong. To that end, I read the comments on my 10 Things You Never Thought Through about Concealed Carry with interest. Reading several of the comments, it made me realize that I’d missed a huge point, ironically the very one that got me to thinking about the topic to begin with. (Note to self: Might be a good idea to jot down ideas when they are fresh, rather than relying on memory when you get around to writing a story.) To wit:

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