Shooting Spree At Chesapeake, VA Walmart Leaves Six Plus Killer Dead; Report Claims Shooter Was a Store Manager

Reports say a Walmart store manager in Chesapeake, Virginia went off the deep end and began shooting people inside the store last night. The shooter used a handgun to kill six and wound a number of others before being shot and killed himself. WAVY reports the incident began in the back of the store during … Read more

Why It’s Important to Talk About Gun Control At Thanksgiving Dinner

The quote of the day is presented by Many may consider talking politics at the dinner table to be ‘bad manners,’ but (civilian gun ownership) has transformed into a major domestic problem. We definitely need to talk about it. You may not be able to avoid an overzealous family member and their shaky opinions, but … Read more

Thanksgiving Sales and Coupons From Brownells

From complete firearms from all the major manufacturers to gun parts and accessories to ‘smithing tools, Brownells has the shooter covered A to Z. And, beginning right now, there are three discount coupon codes and some special sale prices for the Thanksgiving holiday . . . Coupon codes: •  MEC — Free Shipping with no … Read more