Why Did the New York Times Report This Story?

I’m currently reading John Lott Jr.’s More Guns, WAY Too Many Statistics. Wait. That’s not it. I’m reading the sequel, I’m Right About Guns, The Media’s Wrong, So Why Don’t They Just Admit It? Hang on. I’m going up to the smallest room in the house to check the actual title . . . The Bias Against Guns; Why Almost Everything You’ve Heard About Gun Control is Wrong. Almost? Spoken like a true statistician. Anyway, Lott Jr. reckons the media is fucking with people’s minds [paraphrasing] by reporting only gun violence, rather than gun defense. (Go to LearnAboutGuns.com for that action.) Lott Jr. excoriates the Times for pointless pandering to purient interest in firearms fatalities. Here’s a relevant example from yesterday’s regional Times. Two Teenagers Killed by Party Intruders . . .

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Arizona Daily Sun: Open Carry Means “Arming a bunch of amateur civilians in place of passing gun laws”

The internets are abuzz re: this morning’s Frank Rich editorial: Axis of the Obsessed and Deranged. The New York Times’ liberal extremist builds on a previous Sunday magazine piece painting the Tea Party movement as a bunch of loons. Rich launches a dietribe [sic] linking the populist protest with terrorists and, well, deranged people. The only thing missing from Mr. Rich’s viscous and unfounded smearicle: a link to the movement’s belief in Second Amendment rights. Maybe that’s because his boss, publisher Arthur Sulzberger, Jr., has a concealed carry permit. Or maybe Mr. Rich knows there is a pale beyond which he shouldn’t go. Nah. It’s coming. Meanwhile, the Arizona Sun’s editorial board has got its proverbial knickers in a twist re: the state’s move towards “Open Carry” gun laws (whereby legal citizens can carry firearms without a special licensing procedure). Here’s the headline again, complete with self-righteous rhetorical flourish: “Arming a bunch of amateur civilians in place of passing gun laws with teeth sends up the white flag of surrender in the battle for a civil society governed by laws, not force.” That’s how it ends, of course. Here’s how it starts . . .

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