The Washington Times has just published my editorial Racist pols go straight back to disarming blacks. The piece excoriates the Supreme Court for failing to fully restore African Americans’ Second Amendment right to bear arms. It rips Chicago Mayor Richard Daley a new one for his inherently racist gun control legislation: restrictive laws that place discriminatory barriers to handgun ownership for the City’s poorest and most vulnerable residents. And it links across here, to The Truth About Guns. For those of you checking us out for the first time, welcome. If you like guns, if you hate guns, you’ve come to the right place.
The Washington Times
Female Gun Ownership on the Rise. Or not.
Back when bottoms had bells, I worked for CNN. I remember standing behind Camera 3, waiting to pan right two inches (a job destined for automation), hearing the apoplectic News Editor (destined for cremation) shouting “Is it a trend? GOD DAMN YOU TO HELL! IS IT A TREND?” To which the only possible answer was “yes.” Even when it was no. The Washington Times adheres to this trending-at-all-costs editorial philosophy with More Women May be Turning to Firearms. MAY? GOD DAMN YOU TO HELL! IS IT A TREND? “A 2009 study found 70 percent of shop owners reported more female buyers. The study, conducted by the National Shooting Sports Foundation [ED: “Always shooting for more”] and Southwick Associates [ED: “Farm & Wildlife Economics and Statistics”], also found 80 percent of the female gun-buyers who responded said they purchased a gun for self-defense, followed by 35 percent for target practice and 24 percent for hunting.” Just in case you’re one of those “I’m from Missouri” people, “Women and shop owners interviewed by The Washington Times offered similar, narrow-ranging explanations for the increases — largely self-defense and concerns about the possibility President Obama would further restrict gun ownership.” When in doubt, anecdote . . .