St. Louis Apartment Dweller Shoots Naked Man in Self-Defense

What’s worse than a dude breaking into your home? Could be a naked dude breaking into your home. Fox 2 now in St. Louis is reporting a resident was forced to shoot a man breaking into his apartment in the middle of the afternoon Friday, April 5. Police told the news station the suspect “broke … Read more

After Their Pardon, Missouri Rep. Cori Bush Threatens the McCloskeys on CNN: ‘Your Day Will Come’

Missouri Rep. Cori Bush, the radical leftist Squad member who represents part of the city of St. Louis, issued a threat to Mark and Patricia McCloskey on CNN as she reacted to news that  the McCloskeys had been pardoned by Governor Mike Parson. “Your day will come,” she promised . . . Rep. @CoriBush, who … Read more

Police Report: IL State Rep Marty Moylan Caught Peeping Into Windows, Then Threatens To Beat Up Constituent Over Stance on NRA

On September 13th, Des Plaines, Illinois police responded to a call from a man who reported an altercation. What made the call newsworthy had to do with the suspect: Illinois State Rep. Marty Moylan (D – 55). The call, as reported by the North Cook Times, says that the three-term Illinois state representative began yelling … Read more

While Dog the Bounty Hunter Talks, US Marshals Capture a Would-Be Trump Assassin

While Dog the Bounty Hunter ran his mouth from his home state of Hawaii about catching a man threatening to kill President Trump, the US Marshals made an arrest. Authorities caught Shawn Christy in Ohio, wet, cold and on foot hiding between rocks in a stream bed. Christy, 27, faced a host of charges, including … Read more

Twitter: Threats Are Fine if Aimed at Gun Rights Advocates

Twitter is an enormous platform with an even larger membership. They reported 336 million active users worldwide on a monthly basis during the first quarter of 2018 and approximately 6,000 tweets go out every second of every day for a grand total of 350,000 tweets per minute. With that much activity there are bound to … Read more

Mainstreaming Mob Violence: Yet Another Reason To Carry A Gun

The more President Donald Trump wins, the crazier the rhetoric from the left. Maxine Waters, the face of today’s Democrat party, claims God is on the left’s side in encouraging mob action against Trump administration members. Others post missives not-so-subtly encouraging political violence, including bombings against Trump supporters. Only a fool would ignore such warnings. … Read more