Virginia Senators Want to Take the State’s Gun Rationing Scheme National

By Larry Keane Virginia’s U.S. senators want to export the gun rationing law that’s been instituted in the Old Dominion to the rest of the nation. Gun control politicians swept to majorities in Virginia in 2019 and passed gun control immediately. Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam signed several bills, including a “one handgun per month” rationing of the Second Amendment … Read more

Aren’t You Glad Tim Kaine Isn’t the Vice President Elect? As much as I’m enjoying Donald Trump’s swamp-enabling swamp draining and post-election waffling and prevarication (hint: not much), I start every day thanking my lucky stars that Hillary Clinton isn’t the President elect. Ms. Clinton was not a friend of ours. That much was obvious. Under a Clinton administration 2.0 our gun rights would … Read more