Following the Sock Puppets, Fleeing From the Wolves and Facing Father Pfleger – TTAG Daily Digest

Even if you like guns, Utah Gun Exchange’s tactics against March for Our Lives is a poor strategy Quick, someone call the waaaambulance . . . As my colleague Taylor Anderson reported this week, the Utah Gun Exchange has taken to following the survivors of the Parkland, Fla., shooting around the country in their armored … Read more

Illinois Concealed Carry Crippled by Cook County Carve-Out

“With just 40 days before a federal court-ordered deadline to enact a law allowing public possession of firearms, Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn is holding fast to the notion that decisions about who may carry guns — and where — should be made at city hall, not by a statewide standard,” the AP reports. In other words, the … Read more

Mayor Daley’s Gun Control Proposals Unleash Quote Wars

Every year, Chicago Mayor Richard Daley holds a press conference on gun crime, wherein Hizzoner proposes some initiative or another for reducing illegal guns/gun crimes. Every single time, he trots out a victim of same to justify a legislative agenda that impinges on the rights of non-criminal gun owners. This year Dick wants to turn “knowingly sell or transfer a gun to a known gang member” into a Class 1 felony and mandatory “micro-stamping” (to link handguns and bullets in CSI heaven). Whether or not that’s a good thing depends on your stance on gun control. But this time out, Daley’s lost the big ‘mo. He’s looking down the barrel of a Supreme Court ruling which could strike down Chicago’s gun ban—and any other plans he might have in that regard. Still, they don’t call it “the windy city” for nothing. All sides of the debate are ready, willing and able to provide sound byte nation with a brief blast of hot air. As are we, courtesy The Sun Times. Todd Vandermyde, the National Rifle Association’s Illinois legislative liaison gets his quote on. “I’m quite used to the mayor using the Second Amendment as toilet paper. But, now they want to use the First Amendment as a doormat and the due process guarantees of the 14th Amendment as a dishrag.” As Mr. Bumble would say, MORE?

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