GOP Senators: Proposed New ATF Rules are Steps Toward a National Gun Registry

You’re probably aware that as part of the BidenHarris administration’s war on civilian gun ownership, the ATF has proposed two new regulatory rules. The first lays out a new definition of what constitutes a firearm. The rule is allegedly intended to battle the scourge of un-serialized privately made firearms — AKA “ghost guns.” The rule … Read more

ATF Nominee David Chipman Seems Strangely Uninterested in Hunter Biden’s Alleged Illegal Gun Purchase

“Can I get your commitment that if you’re confirmed, you will in fact look into this matter and refer it for prosecution if you find that Hunter Biden violated a law?” [Senator Tom] Cotton pressed [ATF Director nominee David] Chipman. “Senator, what I will assure you is that if ATF director, I will ensure that … Read more

3 US Senators Introduce Bill to Let Prosecutors, Federal Judges Carry Concealed Guns

LEOSA, the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act, was enacted in 2004 and gives two classes of people — qualified law enforcement officers and qualified retired LEOs — the right to carry firearms in every state in the country. Now, probably as a result of an attack on a federal judge that killed her son and … Read more