Not another AR-related gun and gear review? I know what you’re thinking, but I assure you that TTAG has not been hijacked by the AR Fanboy Club. (Anyone familiar with my AR-related posts knows that’s one club I haven’t yet joined.) We’ve got no agenda when it comes to gear here; we test what we get, and we call ’em like we see ’em. It’s just a coincidence that we’ve just been busy as bees testing the AR-related paraphernalia that’s been coming our way. There’s a lot of it out there…
Biden Pulls a Trump Card – Rare Breed FRT-15 Trigger Now Classified as a Machine Gun
The agency famous for once declaring a shoe string a machine gun has now targeted Florida-based company Rare Breed Triggers. An ATF letter to Rare Breed is floating around social media stating that the FRT-15 trigger has been classified as a machine gun under the National Firearms Act and that Rare Breed needs to cease … Read more