Gun Review: Sauer’s SL5 Turkey Thumpers

Mid-April last year I was sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with long-time friend Eddie Stevenson before sunrise listening to a longbeard hammer the day awake. Before long, the tom was gobbling so close to us we could smell his breath. Problem was, the tom was directly behind us. He skirted to our rear and walked off in the … Read more

Scope Review: Trijicon Accupower 5-50×56 Extreme Long Range Riflescope

In the realm of those who loves guns, the concept of long-range shooting tends to have wildly varying definitions. To some shooters “long range” means anything beyond 250 yards; to others it means 1000 yards and beyond. And, of course, finding the space to make truly long range shots can be difficult for many gun … Read more

Midwest Gun Works Delivers the HK P7 Hotness

“Hey, weren’t you the guys with that color case hardened Hi Power on display at SHOT Show?” I asked of the gentlemen wearing Midwest Gun Works polos at a shared lunch table in Louisville. We were at the NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits, enjoying some pulled pork and talking guns. “I have a weak spot for color … Read more

“Jesus Scopes” Critics Need to Find Their Smile

“Enjoy your war profits” comely commentator Rachel Maddow snarked at the end of her MSNBC report on the “Jesus Guns” controversy. Maddow was upset at Trijicon scopes for selling the U.S. Army some 250,000 Advance Combat Optical Guides engraved with serial numbers referring to Biblical passages. For example, one of the scopes is engraved with number “JN8:12.” Reference: the Book of John, Chapter Eight, Verse 12. “Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” ‘Cause whoever walks in front of me might get their ass shot. See? That’s funny. WWJS? Praise the Lord but sight-in your rifle? But no. Maddow and her politically-correct cronies reckon even the most obscure and cryptic Christian reference on a gun—a gun!—would inflame anti-American passions around the world, leading directly to the deaths of U.S troops. As opposed to say, scaring the locals with supernatural symbolism. So . . . something must be done!

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“Jesus Scope” Maker Trijicon Hearts the AR-15

Dear Concerned Citizen, Trijicon has recently been contacted by many people with concern about an article written by a Jim Darnell entitled “Production of the AR-15 sporting rifles is a big mistake “. We, at Trijicon, share your concern about this article, as it attacks one of the most fundamental rights of all Americans. Please … Read more