Mystal: The Republic Can’t Survive the Invalidation of Trump’s Bump Stock Ban

…Ian Millhiser brought up a terrible potential effect of this case that somehow makes everything worse: If the court strikes down the bump stock ban now, based on the legal ambiguity of the machine gun ban, it’s likely that Congress will never be allowed to go back and make it clear that bump stocks are, … Read more

DeSantis Vows to Repeal Both Trump’s Bump Stock Ban and Biden’s Pistol Brace Ban

DeSantis: As President, I will repeal Trump’s bump stock ban and Biden’s pistol brace ban. “Those are both unconstitutional.” — DeSantis War Room 🐊 (@DeSantisWarRoom) October 13, 2023 We’re gonna revoke the bureaucracy rules that they’re doing under both Trump and Biden. Trump did bump stocks and Biden is doing pistol braces. Those are … Read more

Fifth Circuit Finalizes Ruling In Favor of Plaintiff in Cargill v. Garland, Legalizes Bump Stocks in Three States

Breaking News!!! 5th Circuit Court of Appeals issues mandate in Cargill v Garland, Bump Stocks are now legal in TEXAS, LOUISIANA & MISSISSIPPI. @ATFHQ did not request a stay. #2a #texas #txlege #pewpew #guncontrol #guns — Michael Cargill (@michaeldcargill) February 28, 2023 In January the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the ATF’s … Read more

In Its Bump Stock Ruling, the Fifth Circuit Declared Separation of Powers is Still a Thing

An appeals court ruling that struck down the Trump-era rule banning bump stocks could have a much wider-reaching impact than just the plastic accessory. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit overwhelmingly ruled that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) overstepped its authority when it published a final rule that reclassified bump … Read more

Sixth Circuit Deadlock Leaves Trump Bump Stock Ban in Place

If only someone could have foreseen that using regulatory fiat to magically declare that a bump stock is the same as a machine gun could prove to be problematic. A Sixth Circuit en banc panel has deadlocked 8-8 in the case of Gun Owners of America v. Garland. The tie vote leaves the lower court … Read more

BREAKING: 6th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules Bump Stocks are Not Machine Guns

From Gun Owners of America . . . Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit reversed a district court decision which had denied Gun Owners of America’s motion for a preliminary injunction preventing the ATF from implementing a final rule classifying bump stocks as machine guns under federal law. This case was brought … Read more

Where Did Our Freedoms Go? Two words: Executive Orders

By Richard Hayes Many of our freedoms seem to have disappeared right before our eyes; no explanation needed, no permission needed, and no votes cast. How could this possibly happen without more involvement among the people of our country? It’s all linked to two words: executive orders. In this two-part article, I’ll examine the subject and … Read more

The Trump Administration Has Its Hands Full in Defending the Bump Stock Ban

When the ATF, at the Trump administration’s direction, waived is regulatory magic want and announced that bump fire stocks (which they’d previously approved) had magically become machine guns, they created hundreds of thousands of criminals. People who had legally purchased bump fire stocks and then had to make the choice of destroying them, turning them … Read more

ATF Admits It Lacked Regulatory Authority to Ban Bump Stocks

You know that bump stock ban that the Trump administration imposed upon Americans? As I’ve written before, I suspect the President knew the regulatory reclassification of these obscure accessories lacked enforceability in court. And now, sure enough, the ATF has admitted in court filings that it lacked the authority to ban bump stocks in the … Read more