Silencer Review: Griffin Armament Recce 5 Mod 4 [VIDEO]

As Griffin Armament continuously refines and improves its designs and develops new technology, it has been very good about applying these improvements not only to its new products, but to its existing product line. One example is the Recce 5, which has been a solid choice among dedicated 5.56 suppressors for nearly a decade and … Read more

The Truth About…Silencer Ballistics and Accuracy [VIDEO]

Thanks in large part to movies and television, the misconception that firearm suppressors slow bullets down or hurt accuracy is extremely pervasive. In this “The Truth About…” episode, I dive into silencer ballistics. Watch the video embedded above, or click HERE to view it on Rumble. Visit Silencer Shop for the best prices and the easiest, most streamlined suppressor … Read more